About us

Correctbook Team 

Hi, my name is Tim! 33 years young and father of Sam since June 2020. No, not Sam from Correctbook, but my very own Sam. There’s no such thing as coincidence they say, because in August 2020 I started working at Correctbook as Sales Manager with Sam and his great team of people. I’ve been active in sales for over 10 years and having a commercial role in this social enterprise is massively exciting. Step by step and with our whole team, we want everybody in the world to know and support us in our fight against illiteracy. For that reason I hope to work here for many years to come, to make a little contribution to a slightly better world

Sam, Chief Writing Office (CWO ) & Founder


Op een mooie avond in mei 2018, had ik op het terras van Restaurant Weena mijn kennismakingsgesprek met Sam, de oprichter van Correctbook. Sam vertelde hoe hij was geraakt door de armoede in de sloppenwijken van Zuid-Afrika en hoe dit hem had geïnspireerd om een bedrijf te beginnen dat concreet iets doet aan het schrijnende tekort aan schoolmaterialen. Hij vertelde hoe zijn wisbare Correctbooks ook in Nederland veel werden verkocht door het duurzame karakter en dat hij het werk niet meer alleen aankon. Werken vanuit een missie past bij mij. Voor mij is er niets mooier dan meebouwen aan een bedrijf dat volop ontwikkelt. Het was spannend om een baan op te zeggen om te werken voor een jongeman die qua leeftijd bijna mijn zoon had kunnen zijn, maar het is een fantastisch avontuur geworden waar ik nog dagelijks enorm van geniet.

Elise, Operations Manager


Hey, I’m Geraldine! After working for different companies in different functions, I joined the Correctbook team. I’ve been working here as the Office & Order manager for one and a half year now. It’s my responsibility that the production process runs smoothly so that all the orders are delivered to the customers in time. I also make sure our website information stays up-to-date. I love working at Correctbook! Every day is a new challenge: There’s always more than enough to keep us busy and we keep on improving our work as well. The Correctbook mission and vision is what I love most about my job. I’m very proud to be able to say I contribute to this enterprise and I will witness a lot of new developments the coming years!

Géraldine, Office & Order Manager


Hi! My name is Daisy and since June 2019, I’m working as an Online Marketeer at Correctbook. Although it’s only a part-time job next to my study Economic Psychology, I totally feel that I’m part of the team. The creative aspect of marketing always appeals to me, but to use my creativity to make a positive change in the world is perfect to me. The most beautiful about my job is that I contribute to a better world in two ways: not only do we try to find a solution for the problem of illiteracy, with the sustainable character of Correctbook we offer a solution for paper waste as well. Besides that, our team is just amazing and that’s definitely worth a lot!

Daisy, Brand Marketeer


Hi, my name is Tim! 33 years young and father of Sam since June 2020. No, not Sam from Correctbook, but my very own Sam. There’s no such thing as coincidence they say, because in August 2020 I started working at Correctbook as Sales Manager with Sam and his great team of people. I’ve been active in sales for over 10 years and having a commercial role in this social enterprise is massively exciting. Step by step and with our whole team, we want everybody in the world to know and support us in our fight against illiteracy. For that reason I hope to work here for many years to come, to make a little contribution to a slightly better world

Tim, Sales Manager Benelux


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