Correctbook’s first order in Rwanda!

Sam’s journey
Correctbook’s first order in Rwanda! (written by Sam)
It is October 2021 and the very first commercial Correctbooks are being produced in Rwanda. That means that these Correctbooks are not made to donate, but to be sold in the Rwandan commercial markets. Of course these sales serve the same goal, to make writing accessible to everyone.
Correctbook aims to make her writing materials last longer than normal pens and paper, so that people will prefer buying Correctbook materials, because it saves them money. If more people buy our products, our sales will increase and that enables us to donate more writing material to children who would otherwise not have had access to any writing material.
In Rwanda we also want to prove the sustainability and effectiveness of our materials to donors and NGOs. By doing that, we hope to convince them to buy Correctbook writing material in stead of the regular pens and paper for their education projects throughout the country.
Another target group in Rwanda is private schools. Parents of the children in these schools pay a higher school fee than parents of kids in the government schools. These parents also have enough money to pay for the necessary school materials. If these schools decide to work with Correctbook writing material, they can save money and start using the most innovative writing material there is! And last but not least, by buying Correctbook material, they support our mission to donate the same writing material to children in their country that otherwise lack access to writing material.
On the 15th of October our Correctbook team visited the private school IRIS Nursery in Rwamagana. The head of the school and her colleague were wearing very colorful clothing, which emphasized the beauty of that day. Both of them were so enthusiastic about Correctbook that they ordered 150 Correctbooks right then and there. They wrote the order down on a blank piece of A4 sized paper that I carry with me since that day. It is a sweet reminder of our first commercial order in Rwanda.
A month later, I was back in Rwanda for a visit and delivered the order to this school personally with a big smile. Correctbook Rwanda is up & running!