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Correctbook Flashcards

These erasable flashcards are very convenient as you can reuse them indefinitely. Reusing your Flashcards has a positive impact on the environment and it saves you money! Besides these benefits they also support a good cause. Correctbook donates one trimester of erasable writing material in Africa for every Flashcard package sold. Let’s improve the world together!

Use the flashcards instead of sticky notes. The little cards are ideal to study concepts, words, or summaries. Or note the question on one side of the card and the answer on the other side. You can use our flashcards endlessly. Need a break? Invite your friends for a game of 30 seconds with the flashcards.

CO2-Neutral production

The reusable flashcards above are produced in the Netherlands. Together with Trees for All we make sure the production of the Correctbook pages and cover is completely CO2-neutral. Naturally, we are proud of our local and sustainable production!

Uniqueness of Correctbook


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